Artist in Residency @ The Crips Galleries
Garth Prentice is a musician, songwriter and the Contemporary Music Manager at the Hume Conservatorium in Goulburn. He is the recipient of the Artist in Residency program for 2024 at the Crisp Galleries.
In his two-week residency, Garth will be writing blues compositions for his upcoming album. These compositions will be brought to life by local musicians, and recorded locally, showcasing the wide range of talent in the Hume area. Don’t miss out on this one off and very special performance.
While in residence Garth will be inspired by the fabulous setting at The Crisp Galleries to write a Blues Album. Spending time listening, transcribing, researching, writing and arranging. The plan is to record and release the album later this year.
Using the unique location Garth will produce a series of filmed acoustic recordings that will be later shared online. Exepect some cool video clips of garth making music in Bowning.